Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday's class

I am learning how to allow groups to do presentations:
  • First I had them stand up front. That seemed unnecessary so I let them stand where they were.
  • I had a hard time not correcting the students. Sometimes there is a lot to add.
  • 20 minutes got us through three groups. I am going to have to do better than that on Monday.
  • I need to be more specific in what they are looking for.
  • How do I make this an effective means of teaching and allowing students to participate in the learning experience?
  • I need to think about this
I felt like discussion about how to actually write an introduction was good. Finally I am talking about writing. Students asked questions, questions I could answer.

Monday plan -
  • Discuss body paragraphs - refer to Chua essay and project 1 handout
  • Discuss conclusions - refer to Chua essay and project 1 handout
  • Go over some strategies commonly used in Pinker's piece. Prepare handout. Find those strategies in the piece.
  1. What role does the use of section titles play?
  2. Where does Pinker establish his ethos?
  3. What role does pathos play in this piece? Why is it minimal? What is Pinker doing?
  4. What role does logos play?
  5. Anticipatory refutation? Where do we see this?
  6. Where do we see distributions?
  7. Where do we see analogies? What do these do?
  8. How does he use authoritative quotations
  9. He uses lots of scientific evidence. What is he DOING?
  • 11:30 - groups

1 comment:

  1. No time for groups on Monday. They had SO many questions about the project. The class period felt very productive.
